SurfaceShield Demonstration Video

by | Feb 2, 2022

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Eagle’s SurfaceShield USP <800> Wipe Sampling and Cleaning Verification Kit Demonstration Instructions:

  1. Place the provided ice pack in the freezer.
  2. Remove contents from re-closable plastic bags and label sample tube with sampling location.
  3. Don a new pair of gloves.
  4. Wet swab using water provided and tap to remove excess. The swab should be moist, not saturated.
  5. Lay down the template on the sampling surface.
    Starting at the top-left corner, press one side of the swab head against the sampling surface. The swab and surface should have complete contact.
  6. Move the swab head horizontally (left to right) using overlapping, unidirectional strokes across the entire sampling surface area. 
  7. Once the entire sampling surface has been covered, turn the swab head over, and repeat using vertical (top to bottom) overlapping, unidirectional strokes across the entire sampling surface area. Refer to Figure 2.
  8. Place the swab into the sample tube and snap the swab head at the notch. Secure the cap on tightly.
  9. Repeat the process to sample additional locations or drugs. Use a new template and set of gloves for each sample collection.
  10. Dispose of gloves and templates in accordance with your site- and drug-specific protocols.
  11. Place sample tube(s) in the insulated mailer with frozen ice pack.
  12. Complete the sample submission process in EagleTrax. Each drug should have its own submission. Label each re-closable bag and its
    tube with its associated ETX number.



Eagle Analytical
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