A-Team-MembA Team Member From The Woodlands Compounding Pharmacy Holding Eagle Plateser-From-The-Woodlands-Compounding-Pharmacy-Holding-Eagle-Plates

A team member at The Woodlands Compounding Pharmacy showcases their latest order of Eagle Environmental Monitoring Plates.

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The Woodlands Compounding Pharmacy Recommends Eagle Plates

Our environmental monitoring plates help Compounding facilities monitor their cleanrooms and critical areas efficiently and cost-effectively. Here’s what Keisha Lovoi at The Woodlands Compounding Pharmacy says about Eagle’s Environmental Monitoring Plates.

Keisha Lovoi – PharmD, R.Ph

I highly recommend ordering plates through Eagle to any compounding pharmacy. The online ordering process is fast and convenient, and we receive our plates within a few days. Initially, we started using Eagle’s plates to save some money, then later discovered they were also very user-friendly. The plates we order are lockable, and can also be stored at room temperature. This has been a great plus, and a space saver at our pharmacy.

Eagle Analytical
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