A large room of scientists in lab coats wearing navy blue masks with the word "Eagle" and mask-shaped usa flag pins that read "hero". 4 of the scientists in front are point at their masks

Unsung Heroes of the Fight Against COVID-19

by | Jun 25, 2020

On March 24, 2020, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner announced the “Stay Home, Work Safe” Order issued by Harris County in order to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Similar orders were issued worldwide in which only essential businesses would continue in operation. 

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Eagle, being an essential business, continued operating throughout the pandemic, increasing its hours of operation in order to serve the thousands of patients and first responders who rely on lab services. 

Eagle Scientists, Lab Administration, and office staff are among the unsung heroes who are working behind the scenes, sacrificing daily during COVID-19. Putting away their fears, they leave their homes every day, taking step out into the unknown in order to make sure patients receive safe medications. 

Yesterday, Dr. Ross Caputo honored the Eagle team and thanked every team member for their hard workdedication, and service during this season. Each member of the Eagle team was given maskshaped American flag pin inscribed with the word “Hero” to place on their Eagle masks, together with a card which read: 

“While the world stayed home to wait out the storm, you stepped forward to face the beast” 

Proceeds from Eagle’s purchase of the pins will go to first responders, through an organization called Pindemic Heroes. Visit the Pindemic Heroes Facebook page to learn more, and follow this link to order a pin in support of the fight against COVID-19.

Thank you team Eagle for all you have done, and continue to do in order to ensure patient safety.  

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Eagle consultants and scientists are helping compounding facilities implement successful quality systems. Our team has over 200 years of combined experience in the FDA-regulated pharmaceutical industry and can provide guidance in establishing the systems and processes that will help facilities producing compounded medications meet and exceed regulatory expectations. Follow the link below to learn more about our consulting services.

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